Legal Opinion in Ukraine

Before concluding any transaction, it is necessary to carefully analyze all its conditions, as well as the legal requirements to which such a transaction must comply.

What is a legal opinion

Legal Opinion is a service that will allow you to get a qualified opinion on the subject, object and other issues related to the conclusion of the transaction.
The legal opinion must be drawn up by a specialist who possesses the necessary practical and theoretical knowledge in a certain area of ​​law.
The specificity of the service is that, depending on its task, all the theses and conclusions set forth in it are based either on the norms of the current legislation, or legislation applicable to moment of a certain event.

Why do I need a legal opinion:

– Inform about the validity of the transaction or issue.
– Identify legal risks that need to be take into account and assessed.
First of all, the legal opinion is drawn up not only on the instructions, but also exclusively in the interests of the client and cannot simultaneously protect the interests of third parties (for example, both parties to the transaction).
Of course, it is necessary to take into account the fact that if the activity to be investigated violates the legislative norms, it is accordingly impossible to obtain an opinion that answers the question posed. It should be noted that no self-respecting law firm will risk its credibility and will not draw up a legal opinion on the legality of non-legal activities.

Features of the preparation of a legal opinion

The result of legal analysis should be characterized by full legal clarity and accuracy.
In preparing the Legal Opinion, it is necessary to avoid assumptions, conjectures and reservations, as well as ambiguous statements that will subsequently remove the burden of responsibility for incorrect conclusions and recommendations.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that when writing a legal opinion on absolutely any issues, lawyers are responsible for their opinions, as they conduct legal and factual research, analysis and verification.
For this reason providing a legal opinion is a rather time-consuming process, and at the same time, the cost of such services depends not only on the question posed, but also on the input data.
A qualitative conclusion is distinguished by the certainty of the source data, the clarity of the wording, validity with links to legislation, the presence of unambiguous conclusions.
It is important to note that the legal opinion should not be regarded as a substitute for the legal support of the transaction itself. The parties should not expect that upon receipt of an opinion they receive detailed instructions on the implementation of the project or the implementation of the agreement with their own hands.

The main stages of Legal Opinion:

– In this section of the legal opinion, reference information is usually indicated on the transaction information provided by the client, documents in respect of which a conclusion is given. This section also contains information on the applicable law, depending on the jurisdiction in which the relationship.

Documents reviewed and enquiries made
– It reveals the process and results of studying the data submitted by the client, as well as the information additionally collected by the performer, necessary for the preparation of the opinion. As a rule, when describing documents, it is indicated whether their originals, projects or copies were examined.
When describing the work of collecting additional information, information about requests filed with the state registration, tax, patent or other administrative authorities is reflected, as well as the result, including the “negative”.

– The assumptions in the Legal Opinion directly depend on the starting point of the conclusion, which will become the basis for making further conclusions, and will make it possible to analyze the correctness and accuracy of the review of the transaction. This section includes standard hypotheses, as well as certain events.
Examples of Standard Assumptions:
– Parties to the transaction have the necessary legal capacity to conclude it;
– The parties have a real intention to conclude a transaction, as well as sufficient resources to fulfill their obligations;
– All original documents are genuine,
– All information provided from official sources is complete, authentic and current.
Non-standard assumptions:
– constitute significant circumstances adopted by the lawyer for the starting point, which are a feature of the transaction, project, facility, which are legally significant for the parties.

– This section contains answers to questions posed by the client, including: legal conclusion and (or) legal analysis of the transaction.
The opinion may contain reservations, which are stipulated by the nature of the transaction. For example, one may come across a statement regarding the need to apply foreign law if the obligation must be fulfilled outside the jurisdiction specified in the Background, up to the information that the fulfillment of such an obligation cannot be enforced in home jurisdiction or not at all subject to judicial protection.

As a result, you receive a professional recommendation regarding the best practices in a particular legal situation. However, it should be borne in mind that the opinion expressed in the conclusion is not a guarantee of a specific result.

How to get Legal Opinion

The lawyers of our association have extensive experience in preparing opinions for both foreign and local companies and individuals. Today, the Legal Opinion of our law firm is used in a large number of industries, including such as construction, agriculture, manufacturing, trade.

If you want to get a high-quality legal opinion on any legal issues or legal topics in Ukraine, we are ready to provide you with appropriate assistance.

Blog | 18.05.2020

Tender support

from consultation

to victory


Want to win a tender, but




-don’t know how to start?




-Your offer is rejected by the customer?



-don’t want to spend a lot of time on paper work?

Until recently, it was extremely difficult to participate or, even more so, win public procurements.

Today, the situation has changed thanks to the ProZorro e-procurement system and tender support from the Plenum team.

Tender purchases of Ukraine in numbers for 2019

  • Procurement Announced
  • Expected Lot Price
  • Number of participants
  • The main reason for rejecting offers
  • 1,378 million pcs
  • 581,3 billion UAH
  • 160 thousand
  • Non-compliance of the proposal with the terms of the tender documentation

Preparation of a tender offer

«all in»



Search and select tenders


Specialist is always on-line (phone, e-mail, messenger, personal meetings)

of documents

– confirming compliance with the criteria

– xcluding the possibility of refusal to participate in the tender

Participation in the auction


Analyze competition, plan a strategy and take part in the auction

You'll get the best legal way to win a tender,


No need for staff to prepare tenders


Professional assistance, which will save working time on the preparation of tender proposal


Expand your sales markets, increase business efficiency and profitability

What's included in our services

We guarantee the formation of an individual set of services taking into account the specifics of your business

  • Registration in the Prozorro system and assistance in maintaining a personal account
  • Monitoring and selection of tenders
  • Analysis of tender conditions and requirements
  • Competition Analysis and Auction Planning Strategies
  • Preparation of documents for the tender proposal
  • Participation in an electronic auction
  • Communication with the customer and organization of the signing of the contract
  • If necessary, appeal the procurement results

Start winning tenders now!

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| 14.05.2020


Запобігає ризики і вирішує наявні питання

Економить до 50% в порівнянні зі штатним юристом

Гарантує конфіденційність і якість надання послуг

Забезпечує впевненість в законності дій і правильності оформлення документів

Ми накопичили досвід супроводу компаній практично всіх галузей. Ми розуміємо Ваш бізнес і тому легко і швидко вирішуємо всі завдання

Штатный юрист

  • Соц.пакет і офіційне працевлаштування (відпустка, лікарняний і т.д.)
  • Робоче місце в офісі
  • Досвідчений фахівець не може коштувати дешево
  • Не може бути експертом у всіх сферах одночасно. Складні завдання вимагають залучення додаткових фахівців

Наша команда

  • Робота команди 24/7 (немає плати за термінові завдання в неробочий час)
  • Не потребує витрат на робоче місце
  • Надаємо тільки ті послуги, в яких Ви потребуєте
  • Над завданням працюють одночасно кілька різнопрофільних спеціалістів

Організуємо юридичний відділ з нуля або підключимося на будь-якому етапі


Перевіримо стан юридичних документів, виявимо ризики і дамо рекомендації

набір послуг

Підберемо набір послуг під Ваші завдання, щоб Вам не довелося переплачувати за непотрібні послуги

зручні способи

Фахівці завжди на зв’язку в режимі On-Line (телефон, е-mail, месенджер, особисті зустрічі)

докладний звіт

Своєчасно виконуємо і звітуємо про виконану роботу

з нами Ви отримаєте мінімум:



Допомога по всім правовим аспектам діяльності компанії, починаючи з консультації і закінчуючи веденням судових процесів


Економія ресурсів

Залучення зовнішніх юристів допомагає знизити витрати за рахунок податків з заробітної плати, утримання робочого місця, оплати зв’язку, тренінгів та витрат на пошук фахівців


Захист від ризиків

Розвиток компанії під надійним юридичним захистом дасть можливість зосередитися на розвитку Вашого бізнесу, не відволікаючись на юридичну рутину

Сума щомісячної абонентської плати, грн.

  • 7 500
  • 18 000 13 000
  • 22 000
  • 27 000

Кількість передплачених годин

  • 10
  • 20
  • 40
  • 60

Вартість 1 години роботи юриста / Авдоката

  • 750грн/година
  • 650грн/година
  • 550грн/година
  • 450грн/година

Що входить в наші

Якщо Вам не підійде жоден з перерахованих пакетів послуг – ми гарантуємо складання індивідуального набору послуг по співпраці з урахуванням специфіки роботи Вашого бізнесу

  • Усні та письмові консультації
  • Робота з договорами (розробка, аналіз, супровід)
  • Підготовка письмових документів (листів, заяв, запитів, протоколів тощо.)
  • Позовна робота (підготовка позовів, скарг, відзивів, заперечень і т.д.)
  • Зміни до статутних документів та супровід реєстрації
  • Особисто участь адвокатів чи юристів:
    • представництво в суді та інших державних органів
    • супровід проведення перевірок
    • участие в деловых переговорах

Підберемо найкраще рішення для Вас!

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| 14.10.2019


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| 17.04.2019

Secrets of public procurement in Ukraine


on participation in public procurement tenders of Ukraine

What to look for when preparing a tender offer


  • ? Carefully analyze the tender documents and all appendices to it

As a rule, the reasons for rejecting your offer are hidden in the details. Even if the tender documentation is the size of a small encyclopedia, you need to analyze all the requirements in detail. It often happens that the necessary documents are indicated in the section “rejection of tender offers” or in other items to which you do not immediately pay attention.

  • ? The customer’s response to the request to make changes to the tender documents is not identical to making such changes

If the customer agrees with your requirements (including the elimination of discriminatory conditions), do not forget to check that the relevant changes have been made in the tender documents.

  • ? Analysis of generalizations and practice

Generalized answers are published on the site Ministry for Development of Economy of Ukraine. Also, you can get a lot of useful information on the web portal  Prozorro.

  • ? Do not postpone the preparation of the tender offer until the last day

Start preparing for the tender from the stage of requesting clarification. When you have 2-3 days left to submit an offer, the probability that you will make a mistake increases.

  • ? Rejecting an offer does not mean losing

Do not forget that after rejecting your tender offer, you can complain to the Customer with a request or to the AMC.


Typical mistakes in tender offer

  • ? No electronic digital signature.

  • ? Incomplete information in the certificate in any form regarding the absence of the grounds provided for in Article 17 of the Law.

  • ? Failure to download to the Prozorro annexes to the bank guarantee and/or annexes to similar agreements (contracts).

  • ? Failure to submit, non-compliance with the requirements of the tender documentation of certificates and other documents.


General conditions of participation in the state tender in Ukraine

  • ? Submission of two orders by one participant

According to Article 25 of the Law, a participant may submit only one tender offer.

  • ? Submission of a tender offer by filling in an electronic form without downloading documents

Sometimes participants are in a hurry to submit a price offer and do not upload any documents. 

  • ? Failure to provide documents, the availability of which is not provided by the current legislation of Ukraine

The tender offer may include only those documents that are provided by the current legislation of Ukraine. If the customer requires documents that are not provided by him, and you do not provide them, you can not be rejected on this basis. However, in this case, download the certificate in any form on the impossibility of providing the relevant document on the grounds provided.

  • ? Failure to provide a document that repeats the essence of the already provided document

For example, the document confirming the fact of delivery is the invoice and the acceptance certificate. However, in order to minimize the risks of rejection, if you have an invoice and no acceptance certificate, you should download the invoice and the certificate in any form regarding the absence of the acceptance certificate.


Instructions to the Plenum team

  • ? If you do not understand the provisions of the tender documents or you consider them illegal or discriminatory, do not hesitate to ask questions and submit requirements to the customer

  • ? Documents not required by the customer should not be uploaded to the Prozorro. Prepare a tender offer in strict compliance with the tender documentation.

  • ? Check the compliance of bank guarantees with the requirements of the tender documentation.

  • ? Prepare in advance for the purchase and do not postpone the submission of the offer until the last moment.


Our team has significant experience in bidding and is ready to provide assistance in preparation and submission of your tender offer in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine.

Blog | 20.02.2019

Contact us

We are not always in the office, but we are always in touch. You can call or write in 24/7 mode and arrange a meeting with the Law Firm Plenum team.
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